Departmental Profile
Date of Establishment : September 1, 2017
Program offered : B. Sc. (Honours) (Started from 2017)
Seat Capacity in Honours : 20 per semester
Courses offered : a. CBCS (Six Semester in Three Years)
b. NEP (Eight semester in four years)
Certificate course : 1. ICT tools (30 Hours)
Faculty Strength : Assistant Professor – 04 (Full Time)
Number of Supporting Staff : Lab bearer: 01 (Full Time)
Mission statement:
Impart quality education in theoretical and experimental physics
Emphasize observation and analysis of the natural world
Provide tools and skills for understanding the universe
Enable students to solve challenges as individuals, communities and societies
Commitment to enhancing knowledge and skills in physics
Vision statement:
Disseminate physics knowledge among students
Foster global competitiveness in physics
Create a strong interest in physics
Encourage youths to pursue higher education in Physical Science
Develop a foundation for aspiring physicists in the region
Our department boasts three well-equipped classrooms, each furnished with high-quality desks benches, providing a comfortable and conductive learning environment for students. Additionally, each classroom is equipped with a green and white board, facilitating interactive and dynamic teaching sessions. We believe these facilities will greatly enhance educational experience for both students and instructor alike.
Our Physics department features two specialized laboratories. The General Laboratory provides a versatile space for conducting a wide range of experiments and research activities. Additionally, we have a Dark Room equipped for experiments requiring controlled light conditions, offering unique opportunities for advanced optical studies.

Our Physics Department proudly houses a curated collection of 84 books, covering diverse topics essential to the study and research of physics. From foundational principles to cutting-edge advancements, our library offers valuable resources to support academic and intellectual pursuits. Explore, learn, and excel with our comprehensive collection.

Name of the Faculties and their Academic qualifications
Sl No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Educational Qualification | Academic achievement | Date of Joining |
1 | Dr. Hari Prasad Gautam | Assistant Profesor |
MSc | PhD, SLET | 05/08/2017 |
2 | Dr. Rupam Kalita | Assistant Profesor | MSc | PhD, SLET | 28/2/2018 |
3 | Dr. Mana Mohan Rabha | Assistant Profesor |
MSc |
PhD, SLET | 09/12/2021 |
4 | Dr. Dibyajyoti Kakakti | Assistant Profesor |
MSc |
PhD, SLET | 24/09/2022 |
Dr. Hari Prasad Gautam | 3 | NIL | NIL | NIL |
Dr. Rupam Kalita | 10 | NIL | 2 | 5 |
Dr. Mana Mohan Rabha | 2 | NIL | NIL | 1 |
Dr. Dibyajyoti Kakoti | 4 | 2 | NIL | 1 |
Faculty Achievements: OP, Refresher, Publications, Conference etc.
Dr. Hari Prasad Goutam
1. Attended the “45th Faculty Induction Program” held during 3rd October to 31st October 2020 Organised by the HRDC Punjabi University, Patiala.
2. Attended the ONLINE TWO-WEEK INTERDISCIPLINARY REFRESHER COURSE/ FACULCTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY” from 21 September to 05 October 2021, Organised by the Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
Dr. Rupam Kalita
1. One week faculty development programme on python 3.4.3 organised by Department of physics and IQAC, Barnagar college in association with IIT Bombay from 27th August to 2nd September, 2020.
2. Completed the online course Learning Physics Through Simple Experiments organised by Centre of Continuing Education, IIT Kanpur from 2 April to 10 June, 2020.
3. Attended TWO DAY WORKSHOP ON Online Basic Training on Use of ICT in Teaching organised by Teaching learning centre, Tezpur University. (20 and 23 April, 2020)
4. Completed Short Term Online Course on Computational Physics organised by Department of Physics, Bodoland University held from 12 to 18th may, 2020.
5. Completed one week online workshop on Productivity tools for teaching and Learning Enhancement organised by HRDC, University of Hyderabad during 6-11 July, 2020.
6. Successfully completed Online Induction Programme organised by Teaching Learning Centre , Ramanujan college, University of Delhi from 1-30 September, 2020.
7. Successfully completed online faculty induction programme organised by UGC, Jamia MIllia Islamia, New Delhi from 16th November to 15th December, 2020.
8. Successfully completed online two week inter-disciplinary refresher course on managing online classes and co creating MOOCS organised by Teaching Learning Centre , Ramanujan college, University of Delhi from 2-16 June , 2021.
9. Successfully Completed two weeks interdisciplinary international refresher course on academic bank of Credits scheme in Higher education, UGC regulation, 2021 held from 7-20 July, 2021
10. Successfully Completed Refresher Course on “ Mathematical Tools for Physical and Computational Sciences in online mode held during the period 24th September -08th October, 2021 at the UGC HRDC , Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, MP
11. Book Chapter titled “Study of the neutrino parameters considering type I and type II seesaw” in Frontiers in Basic physics and Applications with ISBN 978-81-933014-8-7
12. Presented a paper entitled “Study of Baryon Asymmetry with TBM neutrino mass matrix and Hybrid textures matrix” in National Conference of Physical Sciences 2022, held on 29-30 april, 2022 organized by the Department of Physics, DHSK College and Manipur University
13. Successfully completed online one week Faculty Development Programme on “Academic Research Writing” from 4 -10 June, 2022 organised by Ramanujan College, Delhi University
14. Presented paper entitled Study of leptogenesis under hybrid texture neutrino model in the XIII Biennial National Conference of Physics Academy of North East (PANE-2022) held on 8-10 November, 2022 organized by the Department of Physics, Manipur University, Imphal-795003, Manipur, India.
15. Successfully completed two weeks online Refresher Course in Physics organized by the Human Resource Development Centre, University of Hyderabad from 05th to 17th December, 2022
16. Successfully completed one week FDP entitled “Inclusive Procedures and processes for NAAC assessment and accreditation” conducted by ACT academy from 24 April to 30 April, 2023.
17. Book Chapter titled “Study of the neutrino mixing angles considering scaling and hybrid texture neutrino models” in Trends of Physics Research in Northeast India with ISBN 978-81-957003-0-1
18. Successfully completed two weeks online Refresher Course in Mathematical Sciences organized by Teaching Learning Centre & Department of Mathematics Ramanujan College, University of Delhi from 1 November to 14 November, 2023
Dr. Mana Mohon Rabha
Attended One day state level workshop on “NAAC awarness programme” held on 15/02/2022 conducted by IQAC, PDUAM, Amjonga, Goalpara.
Successfully completed FIP/OP for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of higher education” conducted by by Teaching Learning Centre , Ramanujan college, University of Delhi from 20/01/2023 to 18/02/2023.
Seven Days National Level Faculty Development Program (online mode) entitled “Inclusive Procedures and Processes for NAAC Assessment and Accreditation” conducted by A.C.T. Academy, Tamil Nadu in Association with Academic & Research Conglomerate (ARCON) and Academic and Research Activity Group (ARAG) from 24.04.2023 to 30.04.2023.
Successfully completed online training on “Google Tools in Teaching Learning Process” on 09/01/2024 conducted by UpEducator Google for Education Partner.
Qualified as Google Certified Educator (Level 1) on 26/01/2024.
Dr. Dibya Jyoti Kakoty
1. Seven Days National Level Faculty Development Program (online mode) entitled “Inclusive Procedures and Processes for NAAC Assessment and Accreditation” conducted by A.C.T. Academy, Tamil Nadu in Association with Academic & Research Conglomerate (ARCON) and Academic and Research Activity Group (ARAG) from 24.04.2023 to 30.04.2023.
Enrolment status for the last five years in both Major and General Courses:
Sl. No.
| Session | 1st Year (Sem 1 and Sem 2)
| 2nd Year (Sem 3 and Sem 4) | 3rd Year (Sem 5 and Sem 6) | Total |
Major | General | Major | General | Major |
1. | 2017-18 | 07 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 |
2. | 2018-19 | 06 | 22 | 04 | 17 | 0 | 49 |
3. | 2019-20 | 05 | 03 | 06 | 19 | 04 | 37 |
4. | 2020-21 | 06 | 04 | 05 | 03 | 06 | 24 |
5. | 2021-22 | 06 | 08 | 06 | 06 | 05 | 31 |
6. | 2022-23 | 03 | 07 | 04 | 08 | 06 | 28 |
7. | 2023-24 | 33 (NEP) | 03 | 07 | 04 | 47 |
8 | 2024-25 |

Result of the last five years: [Sem I-Sem III]
Sl. No. | Session | Sem 1 | Sem 2 | Sem 3 |
Appear | Passed | Percent | Appear | Passed | Percent | Appear | Passed | Percent |
1. | 2017-18 Major | 07 | 07 | 100 | 06 | 06 | 100 | 4 | 4 | 100 |
General | 18 | 18 | 100 | 18 | 18 | 100 | 17 | 17 | 100 |
2. | 2018-19 Major | 06 | 06 | 100 | 06 | 05 | 83 | 04 | 04 | 100 |
General | 20 | 19 | 95 | 20 | 18 | 90 | 18 | 16 | 88.88 |
3. | 2019-20 Major | 05 | 05 | 100 | 05 | 04 | 80 | 06 | 05 | 84 |
General | 03 | 03 | 100 | 03 | 03 | 100 | 20 | 18 | 90 |
4. | 2020-21 Major | 06 | 06 | 100 | 06 | 06 | 100 | 03 | 03 | 100 |
General | 04 | 04 | 100 | 04 | 04 | 100 | 02 | 02 | 100 |
5. | 2021-22 Major | 06 | 05 | 84 | 06 | 05 | 84 | 04 | 04 | 100 |
General | 08 | 07 | 88 | 08 | 06 | 75 | 06 | 06 | 100 |
6 | 2022-23 Major | 03 | 03 | 100 | 03 | 03 | 100 | 04 | 04 | 100 |
General | 8 | 8 | 100 | 8 | 7 | 87.5 | 7 | 7 | 100 |
5 (B) Result of the last five years: [Sem IV-Sem VI]
Sl. No. | Session | Sem 4 | Sem 5 | Sem 6 |
Appear | Passed | Percent | Appear | Passed | Percent | Appear | Passed | Percent |
1. | 2017-18 Major | 4 | 4 | 100 | 4 | 4 | 100 | 4 | 4 | 100 |
General | 17 | 17 | 100 |
2. | 2018-19 Major | 04 | 03 | 75 |
General | 18 | 18 | 100 |
3. | 2019-20 Major | 06 | 06 | 100 | 04 | 04 | 100 | 04 | 04 | 100 |
General | 20 | 18 | 100 |
4. | 2020-21 Major | 03 | 03 | 100 | 06 | 06 | 100 | 06 | 06 | 100 |
General | 02 | 02 | 100 |
5. | 2021-22 Major | 06 | 06 | 100 | 05 | 04 | 80 | 03 | 03 | 100 |
General | 06 | 06 | 100 |
6 | 2022-23 Major | 04 | 03 | 75 | 06 | 06 | 100 | 06 | 06 | 100 |
General |
Batch | Appear | Passed | Pass Percentage | 1st Class | 2nd Class |
2017-2020 | 04 | 04 | 100 | 4 | 0 |
2018-2021 | 06 | 06 | 100 | 6 | 0 |
2019-2022 | 03 | 03 | 100 | 3 | 0 |
2020-2023 | 08 | 06 | 75 | 6 | 0 |

Sl. No. | Name of the student enrolled for HE | Program Graduated | Year of Graduation | Institution joined | Program admitted in |
1 | Sohidul Islam | BSc Physics | 2019-20 | Royal Global University, Guwahati | MSc, Physics |
2 | Arunabh Kaushik Goswami | BSc Physics | 2020-21 | Bhattadev University | MSc, Physics |
3 | Nazima Sultana | BSc Physics | 2020-21 | Pub Kamrup College, Kamrup | MSc, Physics |
4 | Manjit Sharma | BSc Physics | 2020-21 | University of Science and Technology | MSc, Physics |
5 | Abhijit Das | BSc Physics | 2021-22 | Gauhati University | MSc, Physics |
6 | Sagarika Devi | BSc Physics | 2021-22 | Pub Kamrup College, Kamrup | MSc, Physics |
7 | Debarshi Narayan Baruah | BSc Physics | 2022-23 | Gauhati University | MSc, Physics |
8 | Dhiraj Kumar Rabha | BSc Physics | 2022-23 | IIT, Bhilai | MSc, Physics |
Assessment: 2018-19 to 2022-23

Sl. No. | Name of the Student | Program Graduated from | Year of Graduation | Examination Cleared | Benefit |
1 | Debarshi Narayan Baruah | BSc, Physics | 2022-23 | JAM | Admission into IIT/NIT |
2 | Dhiraj Kr. Rabha | BSc, Physics | 2022-23 | JAM | Admission into IIT/NIT |
Sl. No | Name of the Student | Program Graduated from | Year of Graduation | Post of Appointment | Name of the employer |
1 | Sohidul Islam | BSc, Physics | 2019-20 | Assistant Teacher | M.P. Academy, Kamrup |
2 | Naba Jyoti Nath | BSc, Physics | 2020-21 | Assam Police (Fireman) | Assam Police |
3 | Kripamay Nath | BSc, Physics | Result Awaited | Constable | Assam Police |
4 | Barmardshaw Kachari | BSc, Physics | 2019-20 | Veterinary Service | School of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandy, Silchar |

Students use their existing knowledge to learn and understand how different physical phenomena occur.
Students should independently explain unfamiliar situations or problems using what they have learned.
Students learn to analyze situations more logically and coherently.
The math skills and theoretical principles learned in the three-year program enable students to actively engage in innovative research and teaching, contributing to society.
Students are well-prepared for advanced research in areas like Nano Science, Astrophysics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, and Condensed Matter Physics.
Physics covers a range of systems, from the tiny (atoms, nucleus) to the vast (Sun, galaxy). Students learn to think along this spectrum and gain proficiency in using physical principles to explain diverse phenomena.
Students gain a concise understanding of the mathematics needed to formulate and solve problems.
Students learn to perform various types of numerical calculations.
Students attendance
Using smart board, ICT enable tools-Google classroom, Zoom, WhatsApp.
Departmental Seminar
Sessional examination (centrally conducted by examination cell)
Home assignment
Exposure Tour to various Educational Institutes
Experiential Learning
Students prepare a wall magazine “Spectrum”
Departmental Seminar using ICT tools
Exposure Tour to various Educational Institutes
Awareness/Outreach/Extension activity
Seminar/Webinar/Popular talk
MoUs and its activity
Parent Teacher meet
Students prepare a wall magazine “Spectrum”
Certificate course
ICT tools based teaching-learning
In contemporary education, the integration of ICT tools is essential for effective teaching and learning. At PDUAM, Amjonga, faculty members utilize platforms such as Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, and PowerPoint to enrich engagement and accessibility. Google Classroom streamlines assignment management and feedback, while Zoom and Google Meet enable interactive virtual classes, promoting real-time collaboration. PowerPoint presentations serve to illustrate intricate concepts, aiding comprehension. These ICT tools transcend geographical limitations, facilitating remote learning and international collaboration. Embracing technological advancements empowers educators and learners alike, fostering dynamic and interactive educational experiences crucial for navigating the digital era.
Students Seminar
At PDUAM, Amjonga, the Physics department organized seminar in every semester where students used different tools like Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva, Prezi, Google Slides, and Artificial Intelligence. They showed their ideas in interesting ways. The seminar was a chance for students to be creative and learn new things. It showed how students can use technology in smart ways for their studies.

Awareness/Outreach/Extension activity
The Physics Department has initiated a series of Awareness/Outreach/Extension programs aimed at engaging with the community. Faculty members and students are actively participating by visiting nearby schools to conduct demonstrations and explanations of various physics phenomena. This hands-on approach not only enriches the learning experience for students but also serves to foster interest and appreciation for physics in the wider community. Through these initiatives, the department aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical understanding, while also promoting science education and outreach beyond the confines of the college campus.

Experiential Learning
At PDUAM, Amjonga, the Physics department embraces experiential learning, fostering hands-on exploration of scientific principles. Through laboratory experiments, field trips, and interactive projects, students gain practical insights into theoretical concepts. This immersive approach enhances understanding and cultivates critical thinking skills, preparing students for real-world applications in physics and beyond.

Webinar/Special Talk Conducted by Department
The Physics Department recently conducted a webinar/special talk featuring experts in the field. The event aimed to enhance students' understanding of complex physics concepts and their real-world applications. Attendees gained valuable insights through engaging presentations and interactive discussions. Such initiatives foster academic enrichment and inspire students to explore the fascinating realms of physics further.
Title of the program | Date | Venue | Resource person | Number of participant |
Popular Talk on Photonics and Its Applications in Modern Society | 03/02/2022 | PDUAM, AMjonga | Dr. Sanchita Roy Assistant professor Department of Physics, USTM | 140 |
Webinar on History of Universe | 14/10/2022 | PDUAM, Amjonga | Dr. Debasish Borah, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, IITG | 50 |
Webinar on Quantum Computer | 11/04/2023 | PDUAM, AMjonga | Dr. Kavita Yadav, Assistant Professor, Ahir College, Haryana | 30 |

MoU’S and Activities
The Physics Department recently established Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with JN College, Boko, and the Department of Physics at Dudhnoi College, Dudhnoi. These MoUs signify a commitment to collaboration and mutual support in academic endeavors. Joint activities such as workshops, seminars, and research projects are planned to enhance learning experiences and promote academic excellence among students and faculty members of all institutions involved. Through these partnerships, the Physics Department aims to foster a culture of innovation and knowledge-sharing within the academic community.

Parent teacher meet
The Physics Department conducts an annual Parent-Teacher Meet, fostering a strong partnership between educators and parents. This event provides a valuable opportunity for open communication and collaboration. Parents receive updates on their child's academic progress, while teachers gain insights into students' home environments. Through mutual understanding and support, this initiative aims to enhance students' overall development and academic success.

Four faculty members in the department, all Ph.D. holders with impressive academic backgrounds.
The department employed ICT tools for teaching.
Introduced innovative teaching methods such as seminar, group discussions, etc.
Faculty members actively engage in various innovative practices within the department.
Faculty members attend programs like FDP, workshops, conferences, and seminars.
Laboratories are not fully furnished
Honours labs are not available which impacts on students progress and learning
Permanent computer lab is not available
Sufficient classrooms are not available to conduct honour classes
Sufficient numbers of ICT enabled classrooms are not available
No space is available for departmental library
Common faculty room for the department is not available
Upon completing the degree course, students gain proficiency in various fundamental areas of Physics, such as statistical mechanics, quantum physics, solid-state physics, computational physics and electronics etc.
The curriculum includes exposure to both experimental and theoretical research environments through seminar presentations, providing students with valuable insights.
Opportunities for students to visit esteemed higher education institutes like IIT, Tezpur University, Gauhati University, among others.
Students have the chance to expand their knowledge of physics and engage with faculty members of different colleges and universities, fostering exploration and deeper understanding.
Implementation of a modern laboratory.
A digital departmental library is on the agenda, providing students easy access to all necessary materials for competitive-level examinations.
The goal is to excel in quality teaching and research by attracting top-tier talent and staying abreast of contemporary research trends through enhanced infrastructure and facilities.
Encourage youths to gain interest in Physics and Modern Technology by conducting various activities in nearby areas.
Looking forward for MSc Physics course
To develop research laboratory
To create a platform for graduate students for placements in research and industry
To strengthen the Alumni association of the Department
To establish the departmental students help funds
To conduct workshop/webinar/seminar/conference in every academic session
To encourage the students to join different courses through SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc.
Coaching for various competitive examination
To publish a book in every academic session
To establish ICT enabled classroom
To conduct at least one certificate course in every academic session
Lesson plan:
ICT Class:
Department Activity:
Department Notice:
Class Routine: